Thursday, September 27, 2007

राष्ट्रपति पुरस्कार प्राप्त शिक्षक हेत राम कोहली लाइफ टाइम अचीवमेंट एवार्ड स

लोहाघाट (चम्पावत)। प्राथमिक विद्यालय पुलहिंडोला के प्रधानाचार्य व राष्ट्रपति पुरस्कार प्राप्त शिक्षक हेत राम कोहली को शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में उनके सराहनीय प्रदर्शन को देखते हुए हेल्थ एण्ड एजूकेशन डेवलेपमेंट एसोसिएशन (हैडा) द्वारा वर्ष 2006 का लाइफ टाइम अचीवमेंट अवार्ड प्रदान किया है। श्री कोहली को दिलशाद गार्डन नई दिल्ली में आयोजित समारोह में संस्था के सचिव वीके मिश्रा व एके डंगवाल ने प्रशस्ति पत्र व स्मृति चिह्न भेंट किया।

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Bacchi Singh Rawat elected new Uttarakhand BJP chief

Dehra Dun, Sep 19 : Mr Bacchi Singh Rawat was today elected unopposed the chief of the Bharatiya Janata Party's Uttarakhand unit.

Along with Mr Rawat, five members of the National Council -- Suresh Rathore(Hardwar), Puran Chandra Sharma (Almora), Narain Singh Rana (Tehri), Anusuiya Prasad Bhatt (Pauri) and Shanti Mehra (Nainital)-- were also elected.

Addressing the media, Mr Rawat, a BJP Lok Sabha MP from Almora district of the state, said he would take forward the responsibilities of the party organisation working on the same lines as the previous chiefs.

Speculating on the possibility of mid-term polls at the centre, he said that it would be his priority to march the party to victory in all five Lok Sabha seats in the state.

On his priorities as the new state party chief, Mr Rawat said listed strengthening the party organisation, popularising the party across the state, making the organisation more effective s some of his priorities.

Mr Rawat said he would ensure that the party organisation took government achievements, developmental programmes to the general public and conveyed the problems of the people to the government.

Announcing the election result, National General Secretary and Central Election Officer Thavar Chandra Gehlot said that except for Mr Rawat, no other candidate had filed the nomination yesterday.

With the declaration of the State Chief, the organisational election of the party had concluded, he said, adding that elections were held in 16 of the 18 organisational districts, and out of 210 mandals elections were held in 190.

Despite the party not following the quota system, two women and two Scheduled Caste (SC) members were elected as the District Presidents. Similarly two women, three members from the SC and one from Other Backward Calsses (OBCs) categories were elected as the Mandal Chiefs, he added.

Five decomposed bodies detected in Uttarakhand glacier

Dehradun, Sep 20 : As many as five decomposed bodies, including that of a foreign women were discovered by a Trekking team in Chamoli District of Uttarakhand.
Chamoli SP Pushkar Singh Sailal told UNI yesterday that the skeletons were discovered at Harshil -Mana trekking route between Kalindikhal and Arwataal by a trekking team from Lucknow, who informed the Army patrolling team.Later the Army informed to the district authority.

The altitude of the area where bodies were sighted was estimated to be between 12,000 to 17,000 ft high. The bodies had been reduced to a skeletal form and were possibly one and a half years old the SP said.

According to police looking at the long golden hair on one of the bodies led to the possibility it was of a a foreign women,but the facts could be established only after bodies were recovered.

He apprised that a team, comprising Indo Tibetan Border Police and Revenue Police,was being formed to recover the bodies,and could set out left this evening.The area is difficult to reach, so the team has to camp in various places from Badrinath onwards to reach the actual spot, he added.

Meanwhile Tourism Minister Prakash Pant,confirming the discovery of bodies, said all reports were based on speculations so far and facts would only be established after recovering the corpses.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Hindustan Zinc to set up unit in Uttarakhand

Hindustan Zinc Ltd, a unit of Vedanta Resources Plc., plans to set up a 365,000-tonne unit in Uttarakhand to produce zinc ingots and galvanized grade alloys for the automobile and telecommunications tower sectors in a state that provides significant tax incentives for new factories.
The company declined to comment.
The project will cost between Rs200 crore and Rs230 crore, said an executive
Lining up: Several companies are planning manufacturing facilities in Haridwar to take advantage of incentives being extended by the state.
Lining up: Several companies are planning manufacturing facilities in Haridwar to take advantage of incentives being extended by the state.
who didn’t want to be named, citing company policy. The first phase will produce 210,000 tonnes of zinc ingots and begin operation by March. Part of the unit will be dedicated to making CGG, or continuous galvanized grade alloys—a non-corrosive material coated on steel used in cars. The project is expected to employ up to 200 people.
Some 385,000 tonnes of zinc cathodes—which is made in a three-step process beginning with zinc ore—will be transported from its Rajasthan plant.
The plant is proposed at an industrial estate in Haridwar, some 55km from state capital Dehradun, said Sushil Sharma, assistant general manager of the State Infrastructure and Industrial Development Corporation of Uttaranchal (Sidcul).
Several companies, including Hindustan Unilever Ltd, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd and ITC Ltd also have planned manufacturing facilities in Haridwar to avail of a 10-year tax benefit.
Sterlite Optical Technologies Ltd, another arm of the Vedanta group, has invested Rs1,100 crore to set up a 115,000 tonnes a year facility for power transmission conductors and telecommunication cables.
Sterlite acquired 25 acres of land in the estate, of which about 13 acres has been earmarked for Hindustan Zinc Ltd’s planned unit, said Sharma. Fuelled by commodities demand, Hindustan Zinc posted a net profit of Rs4,442 crore last year, and is undertaking a major expansion of its Rajasthan plants.
The company is increasing zinc ingots capacity from 411,000 tonnes to 671,000 tonnes by 2008.
The Indian government began divesting Hindustan Zinc in 2002.
“This move will add volume to the company’s growth as it has a reserve of billion dollar in cash,” said Prasad Baji, senior vice-president of Edelweiss Capital Ltd. “Under the terms and agreement with the government, the company cannot use the money other than growth for the company.”
Sidcul offers a 100% tax holiday on central excise for 10 years and five years exemption from income tax. Large companies that are setting up plants will have to pay 30% income tax from the start of the fifth year, while small companies will have to pay 25% for the same period until the end of the term.

कदली वृक्ष से मां नंदा-सुनंदा की मूर्तियों का निर्माण

नैनीताल। भल्यूटी गांव से लाए गए दो पवित्र कदली वृक्ष आखिर कारीगरों के हाथों की कला से मां नंदा-सुनंदा के सजीव लगने वाले मूर्त रूप में आ गए। बुधवार की सुबह ब्रह्ममूहुर्त में अब मूर्तियों की प्राण-प्रतिष्ठा एवं पारंपरिक आरती का सबको इंतजार है।

मंगलवार सुबह से ही नयना देवी मंदिर के पास स्थित सेवा समिति भवन में नगर में नंदा महोत्सव की आयोजक संस्था श्रीराम सेवक सभा के अध्यक्ष ठाकुर दास साह के निर्देशन में नवीन लाल साह, चंद्र प्रकाश साह, गंगा प्रसाद साह, मुकुल साह, ललित मोहन साह, किशन गुरूरानी, हरीश पाठक व दीपक पाठक ने मूर्तियों का निर्माण प्रारंभ कर दिया। मूर्तियों के निर्माण में कदली वृक्षों के साथ पर्यावरण मित्र वस्तुओं जैसे बांस की खपच्चियों एवं कपड़े व रूई तथा प्राकृतिक रंगों का प्रयोग किया जाता है। देर शाम से कलाकार जसौद सिंह मेहरा द्वारा मूर्तियों में रंगों का प्रयोग कर देवी भगवती नंदा एवं गौरा स्वरूप सुनंदा का स्वरूप प्रदान किया गया। जिसके बाद मूर्तियां बेहद आकर्षक स्वरूप प्राप्त कर जीवंत हो उठीं।

इधर नयना देवी मंदिर में मूर्तियों को स्थापित करने के लिए मंडप निर्माण का कार्य गंगा प्रसाद साह, जगदीश बवाड़ी, डा. ललित तिवारी एवं गिरीश जोशी आदि सदस्यों द्वारा पूर्ण कर लिया गया। इसके अलावा मंदिर की साज-सज्जा, मंदिर को विद्युत मालाओं से सजाने एवं मेले हेतु दुकान आवंटन का कार्य भी प्रारंभ हो गया। आयोजक संस्था श्रीराम सेवक सभा के मीडिया प्रभारी अनूप साही ने बताया कि सुबह ब्रह्ममुहूर्त में प्राण प्रतिष्ठा के पश्चात मूर्तियों को भक्तों के दर्शनार्थ रखा जाएगा तथा ब्रह्मा आरती की जाएगी। उन्होंने नगरवासियों से नंदा महोत्सव के दौरान अपने घरों एवं प्रतिष्ठानों को साफ स्वच्छ रखने एवं बिजली की मालाओं से जगमगाने की अपील की है। इसके अलावा बुधवार शाम 6 बजे से रामलीला स्टेज मल्लीताल में राज्य सरकार के लोक संस्कृति व सूचना विभाग एवं केंद्र सरकार के गीत एवं नाटय प्रभाग द्वारा उपलब्ध कराए गए 20 सांस्कृतिक दलों द्वारा राज्य के कुमाऊं व गढ़वाल अंचलों की लोक संस्कृति के कार्यक्रम आयोजित किए जाएंगे।

टिहरी बांध की झील में डूबी करोड़ों की वन संपदा

उत्तरकाशी। टिहरी बांध की झील में जहां करोड़ों की वन संपदा पानी में डूब कर नष्ट हो गई वहीं लाखों की लागत से बने पुल पानी में डूबने की कगार पर है। जिला प्रशासन चाहता तो इस संपदा को बचा सकता था किंतु इस दिशा में एक कदम भी नहीं उठाया गया।

टिहरी बांध की झील निरंतर विस्तार ले रही है। देवीसौड़ में करोड़ों की वन संपदा पानी में समा गई। शीशम, साल, खैर समेत अन्य पेड़ झील में समा गए। इस वन संपदा को वन विभाग बचा सकता था किंतु प्रभागीय वनाधिकारी उत्तरकाशी की ओर से इस दिशा में कोई पहल नहीं की गई। मात्र यही नहीं दैवी सौड़ में लाखों की कीमत का एक पुल पहले ही डूब चुका है और अब चिन्याली-जोगथ पुल जल मग्न हो जाएगा। वन विभाग यदि चाहता तो झील के विस्तार लेते ही पेड़ों काट कर उन्हें सुरक्षित कर सकता था। इन पेड़ों की बिक्री कर लाखों का फायदा मिलता। लाखों की इमारती लकड़ी प्राप्त करने के लोगों ने वन विभाग को आवेदन पत्र तक दिए किंतु वन विभाग इन आवेदनों पर कोई रुचि नहीं ली। भाजपा जिला महामंत्री राम सुंदर नौटियाल व चिन्यालीसौड़ ब्लाक के ज्येष्ठ प्रमुख ने यह मामला प्रदेश के सिंचाई मंत्री मातवर सिंह कंडारी के समक्ष रखा। उन्होंने सिंचाई मंत्री ने मांग की कि उत्तरकाशी जिला प्रशासन की हीला हवाली की जांच की जाए। सिंचाई मंत्री ने जन प्रतिनिधियों को विश्वास दिलाया कि इस पर निश्चित रूप से कार्रवाई अमल में लाई जाएगी।

Monday, September 17, 2007

ओजोन परत की सुरक्षा को वनों के संरक्षण व संवर्धन पर जोर

दिनेशपुर (ऊधमसिंहनगर)। केंद्रीय वनप्रभाग हल्द्वानी के तत्वाधान में संजय वन टांडा रेंज में अंतराष्ट्रीय ओजोन संरक्षण दिवस पर संगोष्ठी आयोजित की गई। साथ ही निबंध व पोस्टर प्रतियोगितायें भी आयोजित की गई।

संगोष्ठी को संबोधित करते हुए उपप्रभागीय वनाधिकारी बाबूलाल गुप्ता ने कहा कि विश्व में बढ़ती आबादी ओजोन परत के हास का बड़ा कारण है। उन्होंने कहा जैसे जैसे आबादी क्षेत्र बढ़ता गया उसी के अनुरूप वनों का क्षेत्रफल घटता गया। उन्होंने बताय कि भारत ही नहीं बल्कि सारा विश्व ओजोन परत के लिये चिंतित है। उन्होंने कहा ओजोन के प्रभाव को रोक करने के बाद ही पृथ्वी की आयु को बढ़ाया जा सकता है। रेंजर देवेन्द्र सिंह जीना ने कहा कि प्रदूषण की वजह से पर्यावरण प्रभावित हो रहा है। उन्होंने पर्यावरण की सुरक्षा को वनों की सुरक्षा करने पर जोर दिया। वनाधिकारी मुकुल चन्द्र शर्मा ने पेड़ पौधों के संरक्षण व संवर्धन की बात कही। इस दौरान आयोजित निबंध व पोस्टर प्रतियोगिताओं में राजकीय इंटर कालेज जयनगर व जेसीज पब्लिक स्कूल के छात्र-छात्राओं ने उत्कृष्ठ प्रर्दशन किया।

उत्तराखंड की आराध्य देवी हैं मां नंदा-सुनंदा

अल्मोड़ा। हर वर्ष उत्तरांचल की जनता द्वारा मां सुनंदा की पूजा-अर्चना पूर्ण भक्ति भाव के साथ की जाती है। प्रतिवर्ष भाद्र पद शुक्ल पक्ष आयोजित होने वाली नंदादेवी मेला समृद्ध सांस्कृतिक परंपरा की याद दिलाता है।

धार्मिक एवं सांस्कृतिक दृष्टि से महत्वपूर्ण मां नंदादेवी का मेला प्रत्येक वर्ष पर्वतीय क्षेत्र में विशेष उत्साह के साथ मनाया जाता है। मां नंदा को पूरे उत्तरांचल में विशेष मान मिला है। वेदों में जिस हिमालय को देवात्मातुल्य माना गया है नंदा उसी की पुत्री है। उत्तराखण्ड में मां नंदा का पूजन सर्वत्र किसी न किसी रूप में किया जाता है। नंदा के पूजन का एक अन्य स्वरूप नंदा की राजजात यात्रा के रूप में प्रत्येक बारह वर्ष में नौटी ग्राम के वेदिनी कुंड से आगे की होम कुंड की पर्वत श्रृंखलाओं में पूजन के साथ संपन्न होता है। जिसमें जन-जन जुड़ता है। यहां उल्लेखनीय है कि नंदा-सुनंदा की पूजा-अर्चना में नंदा जागर का विशेष महत्व है।

नंदा को उत्तरांचल में बड़ी श्रद्धा से पूजने की परंपरा शताब्दियों से है। मां नंदा के मान-सम्मान में उत्तरांचल के विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में प्रतिवर्ष मेलों का आयोजन किया जाता है। यह मेला अल्मोड़ा सहित नैनीताल, कोटमन्या, भवाली, बागेश्वर, रानीखेत, चम्पावत व गढ़वाल क्षेत्र के कई स्थानों में आयोजित होते है। मानसखण्ड में स्पष्ट उल्लेख किया गया है कि मां नंदा के दर्शन मात्र से ही मनुष्य ऐश्वर्य को प्राप्त करता है तथा सुख-शांति का अनुभव करता है। अल्मोड़ा का नंदादेवी मेला प्रतिवर्ष भाद्रपद शुक्ल पक्ष में मनाया जाता है। पंचमी तिथि को जागर के माध्यम से मां नंदा-सुनंदा का आह्वान किया जाता है। इसी दिन गणेश पूजन कर कार्य के निर्विघ्न संपन्न होने की कामना की जाती है।

षष्टी तिथि को मां नंदा-सुनंदा की मूर्ति निर्माण को कदली वृक्षों को निमंत्रण दिया जाता है। अगले दिन सप्तमी तिथि को इन कदली वृक्षों को प्रात:काल ढोल-नगाड़ों के साथ नंदादेवी मंदिर परिसर में लाया जाता है। बाद में अपराह्न में चंद राजाओं के वंशजों द्वारा इन कदली वृक्षों का पूजन किया जाता है। रात्रि में इन प्रतिमाओं की प्राण प्रतिष्ठा के बाद में बकरे की भी बली दी जाती है। इसके अगले दिन नंदाष्टमी को दिन में बड़ी संख्या में लोगों द्वारा मां नंदा-सुनंदा की पूजा-अर्चना की जाती है तथा रात्रि में चंद राजाओं के वंशजों द्वारा पूजा-अर्चना की जाती है। यह पूजा तांत्रिक विधि से होती है। रात्रि को बकरों व भैंसा की बलि भी दी जाती है। अष्टमी को विशेष पूजा-अर्चना के बाद मां नंदा-सुनंदा की मूर्तियों की नगर परिक्रमा कराकर उन्हे जल में विसर्जित किया जाता है।

Sunday, September 16, 2007

चंद्रकुंवर की रचनाओं को उचित स्थान दिया जाए

रुद्रप्रयाग। प्रकृति के चितेरे कवि स्व.चंद्रकुंवर की पुण्य तिथि पर कलश साहित्य संस्था के तत्वावधान में काव्यपाठ एवं सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रमों का आयोजन किया गया।
नये बस अड्डे पर आयोजित कार्यक्रम में कवियों ने प्रकृति के चितेरे कवि स्व.चंद्र कुंवर बत्र्वाल की कविताओं का पाठ कर उनके जीवन पर प्रकाश डाला। इस मौके पर गढ़गौरव नरेंद्र सिंह नेगी ने कहा कि कवि की कविताओं को आज भी उतना महत्व नहीं मिल पा रहा है और आम जनमानस उनकी उपलब्धियों से अनजान है। उन्होंने कहा कि कवि की रचनाओं को उचित स्थान दिया जाना चाहिए, इसके लिए हम सब के प्रयास करने की आवश्यकता है। कुमांऊ विवि के निदेशक प्रो. लक्ष्मण सिंह बिष्ट 'बटरोही' ने कहा कि चंद्रकुंवर की कविताओं को उचित मंच देने के लिए कार्यक्रमों की आवश्यकता है। साथ ही ऐसे कार्यक्रमों में उनकी रचनाएं भी आम जनमानस तक पहुंचेंगी। कवि गणेश कुकसाल गणी ने राजनीति पर व्यंग्यात्मक ढंग से प्रहार किए। नंदन किशोर नौटियाल ने पहाड़ और बेटी कविता से उपस्थित लोगों को जागरूक किया। अंत में नरेंद्र सिंह नेगी ने चंद्र कुंवर की कविता का पाठ करते लोकगीत घंघतौल छौं माया च त लगे ज भ्रम ची त तोड़ी जा सहित अन्य कविताओं के साथ ही गढ़वाली गीत लयूं छौ भाग छांटी की गाकर श्रोताओं को मंत्रमुग्ध किया।

Class XI student beaten to death by seniors

NAINITAL: A Class XI student was allegedly beaten to death by his seniors in Haldwani block of Uttarakhand, trigerring tension in the area.

The incident took place in the premises of Don Bosco Public School on Friday at Lalkuna area of Haldwani. The 16-year-old student, Bhupinder Bisht, was attacked with hockey sticks by his seniors when he tried to save his friend Rajendra Singh Bisht, who was being beaten up by the same group of class XII students.

Those who saw the incident told TOI that the seniors kept beating Bhupinder till he lost his consciousness. Police said Bhupinder was rushed to Sushila Tiwari Medical College at Haldwani, where he was declared dead. Police have registered cases against 10 students.

Angered by the school management and police inaction, local people gheraoed Haldwani Kotwali police satiation and circle officer Mamta Bora.

A mob had also vandalised the school property on Friday. A senior police officer said the principal and members of the school management had fled fearing mob fury. A senior police officer told TOI that students were being questioned to ascertain the identity of the culprits.

Rising water level in Tehri dam submerges 150-yr-old market

Tehri (Uttarakhand), Sept 16: A century-and-half-year-old market in Uttarakhand has been submerged due to rising water level in Tehri dam, badly affecting normal life in the area.

The 154-year-old Cham market settlement on the bank of Bhagirathi River has been flooded along with its nearby villages, like Murana and Dharwal, leaving its residents distraught.

"We are facing a lot of trouble. There is no provision for us. All our eatables and other belongings are submerged. Our children will die of hunger," said Soma, a resident of Murana village.Over the years, the market had become a business-cum-cultural hotspot for the residents of almost 300 nearby villages, and also for those who have settled in the area.

Farmers used to sell their produce to the traders visiting the area in the market. The regular fairs and festivities were also organised here.

"Our market place is completely ruined. The fair that used to be held will no longer take place. The festivities, gaiety all will become a thing of the past. We will not be able to meet the people from the other side or vice versa," said Jeet Singh, resident of Cham market settlement.

"In fact, what used to be a short walk from here, will now cost us around 150-200 rupees. We had a very big function here which is no longer there. It is like the end of our civilization," Singh added.

The Tehri project was started on Bhagirathi River in Tehri district in 1976 as a joint venture between the Central Government and the then Uttar Pradesh Government.

The multi-purpose dam is being built by the Tehri Hydro Developmentorporation, and will be the world's fourth biggest dam.

The state government had recently given permission to raise the water level to 820 meters.

Estimated to be built at five billion rupees initially, the cost of the dam has since escalated by more than 10 times. Almost 42 billion rupees have been spent on the project which, when completed, will generate 2,500 megawatt electricity. It will also control floods in the downstream plains and provide water to irrigate 270,000 hectares of land.

Environmentalists and scientists have opposed the construction of the 260-metre high dam, as they say it is coming up in an earthquake-prone area, besides it displaced about 100,000 people.

Uttarakhand minister projects tourism potential of state

Talking to mediapersons, Mr Pant said Uttarakhand was an ideal place for tourists, who want to explore adventure, pilgrimage or environment tourism in the Himalayan region.

He said with as many as six national parks and equal number of forest parks, the state offers tremendous opportunities for Indian as well as foreign tourists for adventure tourism.

Similarly, the 'Chardham Yatra--Badrinath, Kedarnath, Gangotri and Yamunotri', nestled in the mighty mountains, offers joy of pilgrimage for people of all walks and faith, he said.

He said the state, having population of nearly 85 lakh, is servicing nearly two-crore tourists, who visit the state every year.

In view of hilly landscape of the state, which makes the road travel unsecure and long for tourists, the state government is expanding capacity of three air-strips and two airports in Uttarakhand.

The Minister said, with a view to promote spiritual tourism in the state, Uttarakhand Government has decided to organise a week long 'Yoga Mahotsav' between March 1-7, 2008.

A picturesque state, with a breathtaking panoramic view of the Himalayas, Uttarakhand promises its tourists a visit full of fun and unforgettable moments, Mr Pant added.

Wipro scans Uttarakhand, HP for second PC plant

BANGALORE: Wipro plans to set up its second computer and server manufacturing facility in north India with an initial capacity of 2.5 lakh units per annum. The company, which is eyeing tax-friendly destinations such as Baddi in Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand, is looking at finalising the location in less than two months.

The company’s capacity expansion plan stems from 50% year-on-year growth in shipments in fiscal 2006-07 and the overall buoyancy in the PC market in India which is growing at about 20%. Wipro vice-president—personal computing division Ashutosh Vaidya told ET: “We will soon run out of capacity in our Pondicherry facility.”

Wipro’s existing facility in Puducherry, a location that enjoys tax incentives too, is based on a 10-acre land area and has a total capacity of manufacturing 2.5 lakh pieces per annum.

The company, more widely known as an IT services major, sold 1.5 lakh pieces in 2006-07, registering a 50% growth. It is understood that Wipro’s second plant will be a modular facility which offers tremendous scope of scaling up capacities to up to 1 million pieces per annum in the long term.

The personal computing division’s top customers range from HDFC Bank, Reliance to Assam government to Rajasthan treasury to its own group companies. It has sold up to 30,000 pieces within the group’s various divisions.

According to analysts tracking the IT sector, the company may be looking at options such as contract manufacturing, given its huge capacity expansion plan. Investment figures on Wipro’s capacity expansion plans are not known yet. Dell, which sold 50,000 desktops in Q1 in India, has committed $60 million investment in its facility in Sriperumbudur in Chennai. Dell will spend $30 million in the first five years.

According to Gartner principal analyst (computing) Diptarup Chakraborti, the total PC shipments for calendar year 2006 was 7.59 million. In the first six months of 2007, the notebook market has grown 74% and desktops have grown 3.4% compared to the same period in 2006. Wipro has sold 73,900 desktops and 4,044 notebooks in the January-June period, 2007.

The company’s personal computing division, which is part of Wipro Infotech, essentially caters to the enterprise segment and has negligible presence in the home segment unlike other PC rivals like HP, HCL, Acer, Lenovo and Dell.
Mr Vaidya said that the company will continue with its strategy of pushing sales in the enterprise segment. The company’s model operates on offering project management services to enterprises. It has initiated product and service innovations to cater to the business segment. For instance, it has launched Protos range of desktops which its claims consumes up to 25% less power compared to a conventional desktop or the Supernova which is a cluster based supercomputer.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Setco Automotive plans Rs 42 cr expansion

Mumbai: Auto ancillary firm Setco Automotive Ltd plans to invest Rs 42 crore to increase its manufacturing capacity of clutch and clutch parts, a senior company official said on Monday.

"The expansion would be funded through bank borrowings and internal accruals," J.K. Nag, business director, told Reuters.

Setco, which supplies to automobile firms like Tata Motors Ltd and Ashok Leyland Ltd, would set up a new factory in the northern state of Uttarakhand for assembly of clutch parts and a new press shop at its existing factory near near Vadodara in the western state of Gujarat, he said.

"Our old factory at Vadodara is already working at more than 100 per cent capacity and we needed more capacity," Nag added.

The new factory in Uttarakhand is expected to be operational by December 2007 and the press shop by April 2008.

"With the expansion of the new factory our capacity is expected to increase by 30 per cent," Nag said.

Nag said the need for the press shop arose because some of the vendors could not supply parts and this resulted in a loss of revenue of around Rs 20 crore last year.

"This press shop would meet 60-70 per cent of our captive requirements, exports and for existing customers," he added.

Nag said revenue is expected to rise by 15-20 per cent in the current financial year after factoring in the expansion at Uttarakhand. However, he declined to give the likely net profit growth as it would depend on market conditions for its products.

For the financial year ended March 2007, Setco's consolidated net profit was Rs 13.06 crore on revenues of Rs 185 crore.

Uttarakhand to seek fresh rehabilitation package Tehri dam oustees

DEHRADUN: With more and more villages submerging into the Tehri Dam reservoir, Uttarakhand would seek a fresh rehabilitation package from the centre for the Tehri dam oustees.

"We have kept a demand of Rs 161 crores for the rehabilitation and other purposes in Tehri," said District Magistrate Tehri Girija Shanker Joshi.

For this purpose, Chief Secretary S K Das would also convene a meeting to discuss the situation arising out of the rising water level in Tehri which has inundated vast areas of Chham, Bariyani and other villages.

The water level in Tehri reservoir was hovering around 810 meters today, "We have only given permission till 820 meters. Beyond this level, water cannot rise further," said Joshi.

But another 10 meter rise in the reservoir also means that more villages would submerge into the Tehri reservoir.

Till date, 1400 people, seeking compensation, have approached a special grievance cell set up in the light of the Supreme Court's order.

For generating electricity from Tehri project, the dam authorities shut down the last tunnels of the dam to fill the reservoir in October 2005.

Since then, there had been steady rise in water level that helped the dam authorities to operate the project.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

साक्षरता में उत्कृष्ट कार्य करने पर नेगी सम्मानितसाक्षरता में उत्कृष्ट कार्य करने पर नेगी सम्मानित

रुद्रप्रयाग। साक्षरता अभियान में महत्वपूर्ण योगदान देने के लिए अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय साक्षरता दिवस के अवसर पर सूबे के शिक्षा मंत्री ने ब्लाक प्रमुख जखोली डा. महावीर सिंह नेगी को राज्य स्तरीय सम्मान से नवाजा।
अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय विश्व साक्षरता दिवस के अवसर पर देहरादून में आयोजित समारोह में बतौर मुख्य अतिथि प्रदेश के शिक्षा मंत्री मदन सिंह कौशिक ने ब्लाक प्रमुख जखोली डा. महावीर सिंह नेगी को साक्षरता अभियान में विशिष्ट योगदान देने के लिए उन्हे राज्य स्तर पर सम्मानित करते हुए प्रशस्ति पत्र, ताम्र पत्र तथा शाल भेंट किया। डा. महावीर सिंह नेगी पिछले पन्द्रह वर्षो से साक्षरता अभियान में सक्रिय भूमिका अदा कर रहे है। वे टिहरी जनपद में जिला साक्षरता समिति के सदस्य, भारत ज्ञान विज्ञान समिति के पदाधिकारी तथा साक्षरता अभियान के ब्लाक स्तरीय समिति के अध्यक्ष भी रहे है। पूर्व में हेमवती नंदन गढ़वाल विश्व विद्यालय में साक्षरता के क्षेत्र में उन्होंने महत्वपूर्ण कार्य किए है।
Sunday, September 09, 2007 2:03:56 AM (IST) ]

Friday, September 7, 2007

केदार महोत्सव में रही नेगी के गीतों की धूम

गुप्तकाशी (रुद्रप्रयाग)। प्रसिद्ध तीर्थ धाम केदारनाथ में आयोजित केदार महोत्सव में गढ़वाल के सुप्रसिद्ध लोक गायक नरेन्द्र सिंह नेगी के धार्मिक व लोक गीतों की धूम रही। देर रात्रि तक चले इस कार्यक्रम में अन्य कलाकारों ने भी दर्शकों का समा बांधा।
बदरी-केदार सांस्कृतिक एवं सामाजिक संस्थान द्वारा आयोजित केदार महोत्सव में हजारों की संख्या में लोग पहुंचे। कार्यक्रम का शुभारम्भ मुख्य अतिथि स्वामी महा मण्डलेश्वर पीठाधीपति स्वामी पावाहारी भख्सीनंदन जी महाराज ने किया। उन्होंने कहा कि प्रसिद्ध धाम केदारनाथ में अधिक से अधिक सांस्कृतिक व धार्मिक कार्यक्रमों का आयोजन होना चाहिए। पहली बार केदारनाथ पहुंचे गढ़वाल के प्रसिद्ध लोक गायक नरेन्द्र सिंह नेगी ने केदारबाबा के जागर नाथ शम्भू बोले से अपनी प्रस्तुतियों की शुरूआत की। इसके अलावा उन्होंने जय दुर्गे, अष्टमी का दिन जलमी नारैण के साथ ही कई लोक गीत नौ छम्मी नारेण, ठण्डो रे ठण्डो, तेरू मछोयी गाढ़ बौगीगे, भलु लगदू भानुली के साथ ही कलाकार अनिल बिष्ट ने कृष्ण भजन व हे कांछी गाकर दर्शकों को नाचने पर मजबूर कर दिया। उनका साथ गायिका ऊषा नेगी व उभरती कलाकार ज्योति नैनवाल एवं सहयोगियों ने दिया। बीच-बीच में गढ़वाल के प्रसिद्ध हास्य कलाकार घनानंद 'घन्नाभाई' ने अपने चुटकुलों से लोगों को लोटपोट कर दिया। केदारसभा के अध्यक्ष भगवती प्रसाद तिवारी ने सुर सम्राट नरेन्द्र सिंह नेगी को शाल भेंट किया। सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता लक्ष्मीनारायण जुगराण व कांग्रेस के नगर अध्यक्ष उमेश पोस्ती ने भी श्री नेगी का अभिनंदन व स्वागत किया। इस मौके पर केदार महोत्सव के आयोजक राकेश रमण शुक्ला ने केदारसभा, मंदिर समिति व व्यापार सभा के साथ सभी आगंतुकों का आभार जताया।


Thursday, September 6, 2007

Five killed in landslides in Uttarakhand

PITHORAGAH: Five persons were killed and nine others were feared dead in landslides following heavy rains at Baram village in Uttarakhand's Pithoragarh district on Thursday morning.

The landslides occurred following heavy rains in the area that swept away three houses perched on the peaks of Baram area, burying 14 of them in the debris, Superintendent of Police, Pithoragarh, Puran Singh Rawat said.

The village, which is situated near Gori river, comes under the high seismic zone where landslides are common.

Five bodies have been retrieved so far. Chief Minister B C Khanduri has expressed concern over the incident and asked district authorities to speed up the rescue work in the area.

Landslides have wreaked havoc in Uttarakhand during the past one month and have left nearly 75 people dead.

Khanduri seeks more attractive industrial package

DEHRA DUN: The Uttarakhand government has urged the Centre to provide a more attractive industrial package for the hill state on the lines of the one for the North-East.

"I have written a letter to the Centre urging them to award a more attractive industrial package, comprising more excise and income tax exemptions to Uttarakhand on the lines of North-Eastern states package," Chief Minister B C Khanduri told a press conference here today.

Uttarakhand is already enjoying the central industrial package which will run till March 2010. The state needed a more attractive package as its geographic conditions are quite difficult and it is industrially backward like the North- Eastern states, Khanduri said.

ASAL to set up manufacturing unit in Uttarakhand

ASAL will undertake capacity expansion at Chakan.

Mumbai: Automotive Stampings and Assemblies Ltd (ASAL), the joint venture company of Tata AutoComp Systems' and Gestamp Servicios, S.L, has announced setting up a new manufacturing unit in Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, with an investment of Rs 48 crore. ASAL would also look at a capacity expansion at Chakan with a Rs 21-crore investment, according to a company statement.

ASAL is a sheet metal components and assemblies manufacturer for the automobile industry. It expects to complete both the activities by the last quarter of the current financial year.

Gestamp Servicios, S. L., recently acquired 37.5 per cent equity shares, as a joint venture partner with Tata AutoComp Systems Ltd, in ASAL.

Three children electrocuted in Uttarakhand

Bazpur (U'khand), Sep 6: In a tragic incident, at least three children died and three others sustained grave injuries when they came in contact with a high tension wire in Bazpur in Uttarakhand on Wednesday, Sahara Samay sources said.

According to the sources, the incident took place while children were playing hide and seek.

Oblivious of the fact that high tension live wire was lying near an adjacent building, some children went upstairs. Three of them were electrocuted there and then while six others suffered injuries.

The condition of one among those injured is stated to be critical and doctors have referred him to Moradabad.

Meanwhile, the Uttarakhand Chief Minister, B.C. Khanduri, has expressed his grief over the tragic death of children.

He announced an ex-gratia of Rs 50, 000 each to the next of the kin of the deceased. He also announced Rs 10, 000 each to those

Wednesday, September 5, 2007



In Uttarakhand, out of total 15,761 revenue villages, 15199 (96.4%) are electrified. Balance 562 villages are to be electrified by grid (357) and non-grid (171). Out of 11.85 lakhs rural households, 6.87 lakhs rural households are electrified. Out of balance 4.98 lakhs unelectrified households, Uttarakhand Government intends to cover 3.57 lakhs rural household under RGGVY.

Ministry of Power has already sanctioned projects for all the 13 districts of Uttarakhand with an outlay of Rs.643.89 crore. The State has reported that works have been carried out in 968 un-electrified and 2332 electrified villages as also release of 38424 rural household connections including 37,016 BPL household connections as on 24th August, 2007. Uttarakhand has so far availed Rs.355.61 crore under RGGVY.

The State has reported that the Schedule Tribe villages are also covered in this scheme. However, 171 villages which are far away from grid line and are situated in forest area are meant to be electrified by non-conventional energy sources. Ministry of Power as also Rural Electrification Corporation have been regularly conducting the review meeting and impressing upon the State Govt./state power utility for timely attainment of the sanctioned targets in the State.

This information was given by the Union Power Minister Shri Sushilkumar Shinde in a written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha.

Weston to open India’s first LCD TV plant in Uttarakhand

Dehra Dun, 5 September Weston, the consumer electronics brand of Dixon Technologies, would soon set up an LCD television manufacturing unit here with an investment of Rs 20 crore.
The facility, which would be set up on two lakh square feet area in Selaqui area, would be the first of its kind in the country. No other company has a manufacturing unit for LCD TVs in India, Dixon Technologies chairman-cum-managing director Sunil Vachani told reporters here after launching its new colour television with FM radio, which uses one chip technology, in Uttarakhand.
The company, having a turnover of Rs 700 crore, has seven units producing colour televisions, DVD, air-conditioners, microwave ovens, washing machines and set-up-boxes in different parts of the country, including three in Uttarakhand, said Vachani. The company has two units in Noida, one in Mohali and one in Jammu.
Vachani said nearly 400 people have already working in their three units in the hill state and the company would recruit 200 more people for the new unit.
Vachani said the first four months of the financial year 2007-08 were momentus for the company. Its CTVs sales went up by 21%, DVDs by 50% compared to the figures in the corresponding period last fiscal.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Khanduri wins assembly bypoll

DEHRADUN/JAMSHEDPUR: BJP workers set off fireworks in Uttarakhand's capital Dehradun on Sunday after chief minister B C Khanduri ensured his passage to the state assembly by winning a bypoll from Dhumakot.

In a Lok Sabha byelection in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, Suman Mahato of Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM) defeated her BJP rival to win the seat, held by her husband Sunil Mahato, who was killed by Maoists in March.

Khanduri defeated Surendra Singh Negi of Congress by 14,171 votes. The chief minister polled 22,708 votes against Negi's 8,537 votes. Riding on a sympathy wave, Suman, who was backed by the ruling UPA alliance in Jharkhand, won against Dinesh Sarangi of BJP by 58,814 votes. Suman got 2,93,003 votes while Sarangi received 2,34,189 votes.

"The victory is a tribute to my husband," said Suman after the result was declared. BJP leaders in Dehradun said Khanduri would now resign from the Lok Sabha, where he represents Pauri. With the CM's victory, the BJP now has 36 seats in Uttarakhand assembly. Congress has 20 seats and BSP 8.

Times Of India News

Sunday, September 2, 2007

19 killed as bus plunges into gorge in Tehri

At least 19 persons were killed and 23 injured when the bus in which they were travelling feel into a deep gorge near Ghansali in Tehri district of Uttarakhand on Sunday.

According to district officials, the accident occurred around 9 a.m. when the driver of the bus lost control of the vehicle while negotiating a sharp curve. The vehicle was on its way to Ghansali from Guttu in the district. While 17 persons died on the spot, two succumbed to their injuries in the hospital.

Administrative and police officials have rushed to the spot to supervise the rescue operation. A magisterial inquiry has also been ordered into the accident.

“We have managed to recover 13 bodies while another five are still trapped under the vehicle. Efforts are on to recover the bodies,” said Tehri district magistrate G.S. Joshi.

The DM added: “Eight of the 23 injured are serious and have been rushed to Dehradun for specialised treatment."

The rest have been admitted to government hospitals in Srinagar and Rishikesh.

Chief Minister B.C. Khanduri has announced a compensation of Rs 50,000 each to the next of kin of the deceased, Rs 25,000 to those seriously injured and Rs 5,000 to those with minor injuries.

Hindustan Times News.